Get Where You're Going On Time

Request an event shuttle in Indianapolis, IN

Shuttling all your friends and relatives to and from locations can get complicated. Save time and energy by trusting Unique Limousine and Shuttle Services. We'll send you an event shuttle that can fit all of your guests. We'll transport people from home to the event location and back again. This way, you don't have to worry about Uncle Sherman getting lost on the bus or Aunt Nancy trying to hail a cab.

Call 317-809-4000 now to ask about getting an event shuttle in Indianapolis, IN.

Trust our shuttle service to get all your guests to the location on time

Your minivan can't fit everyone. That's where our shuttle service comes in. We'll collect all of your visitors and take them wherever they need to go. This kind of event transportation is great for:

  • Philanthropy events
  • Weddings and funerals
  • School trips
  • Graduation ceremonies
  • Sisterhood retreats
  • Career fairs

Contact us today to sign up for our shuttle service in Indianapolis, IN.

Get your transportation scheduled today!